Source code
This is a place to share bookmarklets.
Scripts are saved as URLs.
To add a script
You can add optional metadata using userscript-like comments.
Supported tags:
// @name
– if not present, defaults to the URL's filename.// @description
// @image
– URL to an image that will be displayed on this site. You can add multiple images.// @video
– URL to a video. You can add many.They are small JavaScript programs stored as browser bookmarks.
When you click the bookmark, the code runs on the current web page, to do things like:
There are multiple ways:
Bookmarklets and Userscripts should ideally be implemented as Web Extensions, but verifying that extensions only do what they claim is hard. Although permissions aim to address this issue, they are too broad. So often, a better option is to read and verify the code ourselves.
However, verifying extensions has two challenges: 1. Learning how extensions work and its APIs 2. Accessing the source code. Especially relevant for extensions that can be written as a one-line bookmarklet, it's harder to verify them than to write them as a bookmarklet.
Narrowing permissions' scope would help, but it requires significant coordination and effort, making it feasible only for the most common requested permissions.
Extension platforms should make it easy to read the code, it's the best way to tell what an extension can do. But until then, bookmarklets and userscripts remain better options for many tasks.